At Acupuncture4YourHealth, services we offer include: Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (Traditional acupuncture, Japanese acupuncture, Auricular therapy, Tuina, Gua Sha, Cupping, Moxibustion, Chinese Dietary Therapy), Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy, Homeopathy, and other Energy Medicine modalities including: Reiki, Healing Touch, BioMat® therapy and Beyond Surgery Coaching®. FMCSA/NRCME DOT Medical Examiner trained - Beginning January 2016: Department of Transportation Breath & Alcohol Testing and Urine Drug Collection, Pre-Employment Physicals.
Also known as “Biopuncture”, APIT is the injection of sterile natural, biologic substances (such as herbs, botanicals, vitamins, minerals and homeopathic products) either under the skin or intramuscularly at specific acupuncture points. For patients with acute or chronic pain syndrome, this form of therapy is very effective in the management of painful conditions such as arthritis, neuralgia, musculoskeletal pain, sciatica, neck/back pain, frozen shoulder, golf/tennis elbow and other sport injuries.
Also known as “Biopuncture”, APIT is the injection of sterile natural, biologic substances (such as herbs, botanicals, vitamins, minerals and homeopathic products) either under the skin or intramuscularly at specific acupuncture points. For patients with acute or chronic pain syndrome, this form of therapy is very effective in the management of painful conditions such as arthritis, neuralgia, musculoskeletal pain, sciatica, neck/back pain, frozen shoulder, golf/tennis elbow and other sport injuries.
Two examples of homeopathic products we use to treat pain include ZEEL® and TRAUMEEL®. These are examples of combination formulations of botanical substances and mineral substances that are highly diluted, and officially classified as homeopathic combination remedies. Unlike conventional pain medicines management (steroid injections, NSAIDS or opioids), there are no untoward effects from these natural homeopathic substances, which makes our patients very happy.
APIT is also used in our weight loss protocols (example: Vitamin B12 injections), to treat autoimmune disorders, inflammatory conditions, colds, flu and allergies, as well as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. The products are all FDA-registered and work by stimulating the body’s intrinsic ability to heal and repair itself. Licensed Acupuncture Physicians who have completed additional didactic and clinical training (beyond their regular educational training) and certification in APIT may use this form of therapy in their practice. As defined by the Department of Health & the Board of Acupuncture (Florida), Rule 64B1-4.012 states:
64B1-4.012 Acupoint Injection Therapies:
“Effective March 1, 2002, adjunctive therapies shall include acupoint injection therapy which shall mean the injection of herbs, homeopathics, and other nutritional supplements in the form of sterile substances into acupuncture points by means of hypodermic needles but not intravenous therapy to promote, maintain, and restore health; for pain management and palliative care; for acupuncture anesthesia; and to prevent disease.
Specific Authority 457.102, 457.104 FS. Law Implemented 457.102 FS. History–New 2-18-01.”
If you are interested in learning more about our Biopuncture (APIT) products and how they can help you maintain health, relieve pain and support your healing journey, please contact me for a free consultation: (727) 417-8307 or email: [email protected].
Reiki Healing
What is Reiki:
The Japanese words - Rei ("God's Wisdom or the Higher Power") and Ki ("life force energy") combined translates to "spiritually guided life force energy", presented in a format known as "Reiki". It was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, in the mid-to late 1800s. During a pilgrimage and his studies, he discovered these ancient sounds & symbols that are linked directly to the human body and nervous system, which activate the universal life energy for healing. The tradition has since been passed through several grandmasters of Reiki (Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata, and Phyllis Lei Furumot).
What it feels like:
A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of
peace, security and wellbeing
Learn more:
APIT is also used in our weight loss protocols (example: Vitamin B12 injections), to treat autoimmune disorders, inflammatory conditions, colds, flu and allergies, as well as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. The products are all FDA-registered and work by stimulating the body’s intrinsic ability to heal and repair itself. Licensed Acupuncture Physicians who have completed additional didactic and clinical training (beyond their regular educational training) and certification in APIT may use this form of therapy in their practice. As defined by the Department of Health & the Board of Acupuncture (Florida), Rule 64B1-4.012 states:
64B1-4.012 Acupoint Injection Therapies:
“Effective March 1, 2002, adjunctive therapies shall include acupoint injection therapy which shall mean the injection of herbs, homeopathics, and other nutritional supplements in the form of sterile substances into acupuncture points by means of hypodermic needles but not intravenous therapy to promote, maintain, and restore health; for pain management and palliative care; for acupuncture anesthesia; and to prevent disease.
Specific Authority 457.102, 457.104 FS. Law Implemented 457.102 FS. History–New 2-18-01.”
If you are interested in learning more about our Biopuncture (APIT) products and how they can help you maintain health, relieve pain and support your healing journey, please contact me for a free consultation: (727) 417-8307 or email: [email protected].
Reiki Healing
What is Reiki:
The Japanese words - Rei ("God's Wisdom or the Higher Power") and Ki ("life force energy") combined translates to "spiritually guided life force energy", presented in a format known as "Reiki". It was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, in the mid-to late 1800s. During a pilgrimage and his studies, he discovered these ancient sounds & symbols that are linked directly to the human body and nervous system, which activate the universal life energy for healing. The tradition has since been passed through several grandmasters of Reiki (Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata, and Phyllis Lei Furumot).
What it feels like:
A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of
peace, security and wellbeing
Learn more:
Healing Touch
What is Healing Touch?
Healing Touch is a form of biofield therapy that is an energy-based approach to health and healing that uses touch to influence the human energy system - specifically the energy field that surrounds the body, as well as the energy centers that control the energy flow from the energy field to the physical body. These non-invasive techniques utilize the hands to clear, energize, and balance the human and environmental energy fields thus affecting physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and healing. It is based on a heart-centered caring relationship in which the practitioner and client come together energetically to facilitate the client’s health and healing. It works with your energy field to support your natural ability to heal, and is safe for all ages and works in harmony with standard medical care. The goal in Healing Touch is to restore harmony and balance in the energy system placing the client in a position to self heal. Healing Touch complements conventional health care and is used in collaboration with other approaches to health and healing.
Reduces stress, calms anxiety and depression, decreases pain, strengthens the immune system, enhances recovery from surgery, complementary care for neck and back problems, deepens spiritual connection, supports cancer care, creates a sense of well-being, eases acute and chronic conditions.
Healing Touch is used in a wide variety of settings including hospitals, long term care facilities, private practices, hospices, and spas. Janet Mentgen, RN, founded Healing Touch in 1989 as a continuing education program for nurses, massage therapists, other health care professionals, and lay persons.
Learn more:
What is Healing Touch?
Healing Touch is a form of biofield therapy that is an energy-based approach to health and healing that uses touch to influence the human energy system - specifically the energy field that surrounds the body, as well as the energy centers that control the energy flow from the energy field to the physical body. These non-invasive techniques utilize the hands to clear, energize, and balance the human and environmental energy fields thus affecting physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and healing. It is based on a heart-centered caring relationship in which the practitioner and client come together energetically to facilitate the client’s health and healing. It works with your energy field to support your natural ability to heal, and is safe for all ages and works in harmony with standard medical care. The goal in Healing Touch is to restore harmony and balance in the energy system placing the client in a position to self heal. Healing Touch complements conventional health care and is used in collaboration with other approaches to health and healing.
Reduces stress, calms anxiety and depression, decreases pain, strengthens the immune system, enhances recovery from surgery, complementary care for neck and back problems, deepens spiritual connection, supports cancer care, creates a sense of well-being, eases acute and chronic conditions.
Healing Touch is used in a wide variety of settings including hospitals, long term care facilities, private practices, hospices, and spas. Janet Mentgen, RN, founded Healing Touch in 1989 as a continuing education program for nurses, massage therapists, other health care professionals, and lay persons.
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Surgical Coaching Practitioner
What is Beyond Surgery protocol?
THE BEYOND SURGERY® PROGRAM is a protocol that utilizes various integrative programs, customized to support and enhance your existing primary medical care. In addition to coaching and education, the program consists of
hands-on energy balancing sessions before and after surgical procedures, as well as components of Healing Touch, Guided Imagery, Anxiety Release Technique®, HeartMath® Technology, Surgical/Life Coaching and Stress
Management Education. Although its focus is pre-operative and post-operative surgical care, the Beyond Surgery®
Program can be used for almost ANY circumstance – from physical injury or illness to childbirth. It helps calm and transform anxiety caused by stressful, life-changing situations such as the loss of a job, a loved one or
a divorce.
Learn more:
What is Beyond Surgery protocol?
THE BEYOND SURGERY® PROGRAM is a protocol that utilizes various integrative programs, customized to support and enhance your existing primary medical care. In addition to coaching and education, the program consists of
hands-on energy balancing sessions before and after surgical procedures, as well as components of Healing Touch, Guided Imagery, Anxiety Release Technique®, HeartMath® Technology, Surgical/Life Coaching and Stress
Management Education. Although its focus is pre-operative and post-operative surgical care, the Beyond Surgery®
Program can be used for almost ANY circumstance – from physical injury or illness to childbirth. It helps calm and transform anxiety caused by stressful, life-changing situations such as the loss of a job, a loved one or
a divorce.
Learn more:
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
What is "Acupuncture & how can it help me?
The term ‘Acupuncture’ is commonly used to refer to the insertion of filiform needles into specific points on the body (“acupoint”) to access the energies that flow through our body. When these energies are blocked from flowing freely, our cells don’t get the proper blood flow, oxygen or nutrients required for them to perform at their optimal function, and this may result in pain, stress or even diseases. Through the process of acupuncture, we can therefore unblock those
energetic channels and support the body’s own natural healing abilities. “Acupuncture” is often used as an umbrella term for the practice of “Oriental Medicine”, Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Classical Chinese Medicine, but it also
includes the use of other modalities in combination with acupuncture needling, such as Moxibustion, cupping, Gua Sha, Tui Na, Chinese herbal therapy, Qi Gong or Tai Chi, or Chinese dietary therapy.
What is “Qi”?
Like the blood that flows through our arteries and veins, Qi (pronounced “Chee”), is that invisible Essence of our life, and has been called by other names such as “Prana”, “life force” or “Vital Energy”. It flows in and around us and is found in every living thing. When stress and tension knots up our muscles, for example, our tissues aren’t able to get the nutrients they need and we feel this as pain, stiffness or soreness. Through acupuncture needling or any of the modalities incorporated by your acupuncture physician, we are able to unblock that stuck energy to restore your body’s innate abilities to self-heal through the release of naturally occurring chemicals and hormones such as endorphins.
I’m scared of needles! Does acupuncture hurt? What can I expect to feel?
This is the1st question I usually get after “what is acupuncture?” Our clients all have varying degrees of sensitivity and pain threshold, but in my experience, no one has said that acupuncture is painful. Instead they describe it as an awareness of a sensation comparable to heaviness, dullness or tingling around the point, indicating enhanced energy
flow. Mostly all will agree that they do feel a wonderful difference in their mood and general feeling of well-being within 5 minutes of the needles being in. You have to realize the size of an acupuncture needle is much smaller than the tip of a pin so if hypodermic needles have left you scared of an acupuncture session, fear no more - the needles are gently placed by the expert hands of your acupuncture physician. Safety is our concern and as such, we needle observing anatomical structures as well as principles of Clean Needle Technique.
Where did you go to school? How much training do you have?
I am a graduate of East West College of Natural Medicine in Sarasota, Florida ( The school as well as the Oriental Medicine Master’s Degree program are both accredited by ACAOM (Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine). Our didactic and clinical program content encompassed over 3200 hours of academic training, with completion of over 900 hours of clinical practice and treatment of a minimum of 350 patients! I am licensed in the state of Florida through the Florida Board of Acupuncture ( In selecting an acupuncturist, one thing is certain: you must choose an acupuncture physician who is licensed in your state, and board certified by NCCAOM.
Any chance of infection?
We observe principles of Universal Precautions as well as Clean Needle Technique in compliance with mandatory requirements of CCAOM (Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine). Your treatment will consist of
individual, disposable, sterile, one-time-use-only needles.
a) World Health Organization’s list of diseases and disorders that can be treated with acupuncture:
b) NCCAOM: (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine)
c) FSOMA: (Florida State Oriental Medicine Association)
d) Finding a licensed acupuncturist in your state:
e) Information on research and acupuncture:
* NIH:
* WHO:
What is "Acupuncture & how can it help me?
The term ‘Acupuncture’ is commonly used to refer to the insertion of filiform needles into specific points on the body (“acupoint”) to access the energies that flow through our body. When these energies are blocked from flowing freely, our cells don’t get the proper blood flow, oxygen or nutrients required for them to perform at their optimal function, and this may result in pain, stress or even diseases. Through the process of acupuncture, we can therefore unblock those
energetic channels and support the body’s own natural healing abilities. “Acupuncture” is often used as an umbrella term for the practice of “Oriental Medicine”, Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Classical Chinese Medicine, but it also
includes the use of other modalities in combination with acupuncture needling, such as Moxibustion, cupping, Gua Sha, Tui Na, Chinese herbal therapy, Qi Gong or Tai Chi, or Chinese dietary therapy.
What is “Qi”?
Like the blood that flows through our arteries and veins, Qi (pronounced “Chee”), is that invisible Essence of our life, and has been called by other names such as “Prana”, “life force” or “Vital Energy”. It flows in and around us and is found in every living thing. When stress and tension knots up our muscles, for example, our tissues aren’t able to get the nutrients they need and we feel this as pain, stiffness or soreness. Through acupuncture needling or any of the modalities incorporated by your acupuncture physician, we are able to unblock that stuck energy to restore your body’s innate abilities to self-heal through the release of naturally occurring chemicals and hormones such as endorphins.
I’m scared of needles! Does acupuncture hurt? What can I expect to feel?
This is the1st question I usually get after “what is acupuncture?” Our clients all have varying degrees of sensitivity and pain threshold, but in my experience, no one has said that acupuncture is painful. Instead they describe it as an awareness of a sensation comparable to heaviness, dullness or tingling around the point, indicating enhanced energy
flow. Mostly all will agree that they do feel a wonderful difference in their mood and general feeling of well-being within 5 minutes of the needles being in. You have to realize the size of an acupuncture needle is much smaller than the tip of a pin so if hypodermic needles have left you scared of an acupuncture session, fear no more - the needles are gently placed by the expert hands of your acupuncture physician. Safety is our concern and as such, we needle observing anatomical structures as well as principles of Clean Needle Technique.
Where did you go to school? How much training do you have?
I am a graduate of East West College of Natural Medicine in Sarasota, Florida ( The school as well as the Oriental Medicine Master’s Degree program are both accredited by ACAOM (Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine). Our didactic and clinical program content encompassed over 3200 hours of academic training, with completion of over 900 hours of clinical practice and treatment of a minimum of 350 patients! I am licensed in the state of Florida through the Florida Board of Acupuncture ( In selecting an acupuncturist, one thing is certain: you must choose an acupuncture physician who is licensed in your state, and board certified by NCCAOM.
Any chance of infection?
We observe principles of Universal Precautions as well as Clean Needle Technique in compliance with mandatory requirements of CCAOM (Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine). Your treatment will consist of
individual, disposable, sterile, one-time-use-only needles.
a) World Health Organization’s list of diseases and disorders that can be treated with acupuncture:
b) NCCAOM: (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine)
c) FSOMA: (Florida State Oriental Medicine Association)
d) Finding a licensed acupuncturist in your state:
e) Information on research and acupuncture:
* NIH:
* WHO:
Acupuncture can help with smoking cessation. Online support services are available to assist with smoking cessation. You don't have to feel alone in your fight against cigarette addiction. Click on the following link and read of the success stories for the thousands who've successfully quit smoking through acupuncture:
Acupuncture can help with smoking cessation. Online support services are available to assist with smoking cessation. You don't have to feel alone in your fight against cigarette addiction. Click on the following link and read of the success stories for the thousands who've successfully quit smoking through acupuncture: