So what's different about this past year's ritualistic ending and today's New Year beginning? First of all, one of the most major lessons I've learnt over all these years is that we never ever truly know what we NEED, but we most certainly have an idea of what we WANT! I have yet to perfect the art of asking the exact questions that will result in me receiving EXACTLY everything that I truly want AND need. Am I asking from my Ego-Self? For my highest & greatest good? Per the Universe's divine plan? Scarily, when I look back on my thought patterns & my heart's yearning, everything I've asked for, I've gotten. Yet in hindsight it seems I was never specific or clear enough, for the biggest joke is me looking up at God & moaning "Seriously? Did I have to mention X, Y or Z to perfect this gift I asked for? Couldn't You just like, read my mind?" So yeah, this New Year's Day I'm not doing any 'releasing & letting go' Ritual. I'm not going to downcastedly reflect, review, re-evaluate and revise the losses and lessons of this past year as per the ritual of Mercury retrograde. Nope! Not me! Not today. Not this New Year's Day! (I don't know about "not ever").
Today I am giddy; Giddy with amusement and wonder at the magic of the unknown as I embrace this New Year. No more sad, pensive, thoughtful New Year's release Ritual for me today. Instead of cursing & chasing away the old 2016, I'm going to laugh & dance & sing & welcome in the New Year! I'm going to remember all the wonderful gifts that 2016 brought - no hard lessons here, but a perfectly crafted lesson plan to help polish me - like that iron in the fire for the next upgraded & even-more-wonderful version of Me. I'm thinking if my cell phone & computer can get an upgrade, so can I!
Yes, I will still call in the Four Directions, but this time, instead of ‘planting seeds of intention’ in Mother Earth, I will welcome the sprouting of the seeds of all my dreams from the womb of our Great Mother. Rather than imploring the power of Brother Fire to make my wishes come true, I shall twirl & dance around the flames of empowerment, and relish the passion awakened by its warmth. Elemental Water this year will nourish and bring to life my ability to recognize and honor all my emotions, not just cleanse and purify me of any discomfort from my feelings. And as always, I welcome the winds of change – may it sweep through every nook and cranny of this new year, breathing life into my very Soul. And so it is with wanton abandonment that I throw my arms out to the Universe and in the dance of life, giggle joyously, loudly, and unashamedly: "Bring it on, Great Spirit! Gimme all you got! I welcome you & your gifts and this glorious New Year! I welcome my new Me!"
Blessings, my Friends, as you continue on this journey. Ajo! And it is so!
Audrey Steele, L.Ac.
"And now we welcome the New Year, full of things that have never been" (Rainer Maria Rilke)