Full Moon, Eclipses, & Grand Cardinal Cross… Yipes!!!!
Soooooo……. if you’ve not heard about how important this month of April is to those of us who trend specific dates, planetary activities, numbers and astrology, then may I remind you that it is no coincidence that I am posting this blog today (4-14-14), or that I feel I must remind you of the #FullMoon (Libra) AND total #LunarEclipse tonight into tomorrow morning (beginning around 2am and taking on a reddish glow, thus giving it the nickname “Blood Moon”). Full moons are about endings, releasing and letting go, but note that this may just mean ending the way you currently think or do things and so this is healthy and timely. Libra is about partnerships, so seek to create balance & harmony in all your relationships. I can hardly contain myself at the time of this writing thinking about all the other exciting events bringing about change this month:
- Pluto (transformation, letting go, endings & beginnings) turns retrograde today in Capricorn (work, career, power & ambition);
- Mercury (communication) squares Jupiter (benefactor) & Pluto but conjuncts Uranus (change, change, upheaval & change!);
- The #GrandCardinalCross (April 23rd) which already has my phone ringing off the hook with questions about “What does this mean for me?”. With 4 planets sitting exactly equidistant from each other, they form a giant square (looks very pretty when seen from a “chart” perspective) and so now everyone’s worried about Mercury (communication) squaring Mars (action – perhaps “inaction” is more like it since Mars is still in retrograde phase until 5/19) squaring Pluto (in retrograde phase), squaring Jupiter (in Cancer) and squaring Uranus! Huh??!! Yup! If any of this has your head in a tizzy, you are in good company. Don’t give up. This too shall pass.
- Holy Week (commemorating the Passion of Christ) began Palm Sunday (4/13) and ends Holy Saturday (on 4/19) as Christians remember the crucifixion & resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday (4/20);
- Jewish celebration of Passover/Pesach (begins today at sundown and ends sundown 4/22);
- Earth Day some celebrated in March, others on 4/22 (advocating environmental protection); and last but not least:
- Solar Eclipse in Taurus 4/29. Eclipses (both lunar and solar) have a 3 month effect so don’t necessarily expect any major changes this exact moment. Just know that things will not be the same before the year is out - especially since we have a total of 4 this year – I would suggest consulting a trusted astrologer to look at your natal chart to see how all of the above has the potential to affect you.
So What Does This Mean For Us?
Change is inevitable - whether you like it or not, whether you’re prepared or not - so I write this today, not to scare you but to remind you:
a) Be flexible & open to the possibilities tomorrow brings. The upcoming planetary changes are going to push us to transform in ways that may not be familiar to us; resistance brings unnecessary pain so be a little more yielding and patient with yourself and the world around you.
b) Be aware; Knowing what’s going on within and around us prepares us so we are not caught off guard with the changing tides, but can ride the waves and adjust the sails until the “storms” pass.
c) Be at peace; Those of us who work the healthcare field swear by the Full Moon that it’s gonna be crazier than norm so remember: don’t get caught up in emotional outbursts and power plays. Stay centered & grounded, and let your outbreath be from a place of love and serenity.
d) Be grateful – Caterpillars turn into butterflies; seeds become that which they’re destined to become; night eventually turns into day, and the moon waxes and wanes. I particularly love Full Moons as they are pregnant with promise, so set intention to release with gratitude that which no longer serves you, in anticipation and preparation for the new.
e) Be bold! Many moons ago, I read a quote from the I-Ching that asked: “When Spring comes, does the grass plan to grow?” In last month’s blog post (“Spring Has Sprung”- http://tinyurl.com/me8j8h4), I alluded to the fact that Spring is a time of growth, change and rebirth, and that like the bamboo, flexibility and resiliency are key to survival. #Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help you deal with the stresses of these changing times. My challenge for you this Full Moon is this: Grow where you are planted, but “Find (and Follow) Your North Star”, and while journeying, let Oriental Medicine be 1 of the tools you use to get you through this phase of change and transformation, growth and expansion. Namasté!
Audrey Steele, L.Ac
Acupuncture Physician